Iggly Wig Productions PTY LTD provides educators of young children with vibrant, fun, values based easy to use literacy resources for the explicit teaching of phonics. These resources cater for individual needs, by encouraging diverse methods for engaging the children.
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Consulting & Some Hard Copies available Contact Us
IgglyWig Products
Iggly Wig Values Based Alphabet Resource Kit
$75.00 -
Iggly Wig Values Based Alphabet Books (26 books) PDF, PPTX + Bonus Songs
$49.00 -
Iggly Wig Values Based Alphabet Books Hard Copy (26 books) + PDF, PPTX + Bonus Songs
$99.00 -
Iggly Wig Teachers Resource Book PDF
$20.00 -
Iggly Wig Values Based Alphabet MP3 (26 songs)
$20.00 -
Iggly Wig Digraph Books – Set 1 (ee, oo, sh, ch, ng) Powerpoint, PDF
$9.00 -
Iggly Wig Digraph Books – Set 2 (ck, wh, ar, th, ay) Powerpoint, PDF
$9.00 -
Iggly Wig Digraph Books – Set 3 (oa, ow, ai, or, ou) Powerpoint, PDF
$9.00 -
Iggly Wig Alphabet Flash Cards (200mm x 140mm)
$8.00 -
Iggly Wig Alphabet Encouragement Certificates – PDF
$5.00 -
Iggly Wig Alphabet Desk Charts (Beginners Alphabet) PDF
$5.00 -
Iggly Wig Alphabet Poster – A1 size PDF
$7.00 -
Iggly Wig Name Desk Cards – PDF
$7.95 -
Iggly Wig Name Tags – Download PDF
$5.00 -
Iggly Wig ‘Welcome to Pre-school’ Poster – A1 size PDF
$8.00 -
Iggly Wig ‘Welcome to Prep’ Poster – A1 size PDF
$8.00 -
lggly Wig ‘Welcome to Year 1’ Poster – A1 size PDF
$8.00 -
Iggly Wig Colour Display Cards – Set of 10 (A5 Size) PDF
$5.00 -
Iggly Wig Values Poster Set – A3 Download PDF
$10.00 -
Iggly Wig Digraph Display Cards PDF Download PDF
$15.00 -
Iggly Wig Numbers Display Cards – Set of 11 (A5 Size) PDF
$5.00 -
Iggly Wig Shapes Display Cards – Set of 10 (A5 Size) PDF
What Teachers & Parents are Saying
My children love the Iggly Wig stories – so bright, eye-catching and fun!
Iggly Wig is a wonderful resource that enhances our Letterland Program and teaches important values which are essential for all children to learn.
Narelle Wales – Nambour

Amanda Ralph - Brisbane
To all my teacher and parent friends! This is a FANTASTIC resource that will compliment and enrich your school’s early literacy program. I’ve used Iggly Wig resources with Kindy, Prep and Year 1 children and it’s been a delight to see their little faces light up as they explore and engage with each Iggy Wig adventure. My favourite part of the kit is the values based alphabet books. I am yet to find an Aussie made, quality resource that combines phonics and character building
Heather Koch – Woombye
"What an exciting new resource to discover! Can’t wait to use these bright, colourful and values based materials. Fantastic!"
Adam Marsh – Gold Coast
"The songs on the CD are amazing. The children really enjoy the songs and get into them enthusiastically!"
Debbie Hey – Brisbane
"Absolutely fabulous! The kids in my Transition class really enjoy acting out the songs and doing the activities. Learning is fun and not hard work."
Katrina Mead - Reedy Creek
I really love the way you have incorporated values based education with the teaching of phonics. This is something my kids really need, plus it’s fun.
Iggly Wig Productions Pty Ltd
Through online resources and training, we provide the educators with the tools they need to deliver the teaching of phonics effectively, with proven results.
These include: Teachers’ Manual, alphabet books, digraph books, musical CD, flashcards, online training, workshops, subscriptions, black line masters.
Our resources and training empower teachers and parents to be able to teach phonics creatively and effectively.